How Ascendo Social Increased Code Wiz's Social Media Presence

Code Wiz empowers young minds, fostering an experience where children master coding intricacies, develop problem-solving skills, and unleash their inner genius.

With engaging programs and personalized instruction, Code Wiz sparks a passion for learning, shaping confident creators and future innovators.

Juan from Code wiz

The Challenges Code Wiz Faced

Here were some of the challenges Code Wiz had early on.


  1. Limited Brand Awareness: There was low online visibility which lead to difficulty in attracting new customers and students.
  2. Disconnected Social Media Strategy: We identified lack of  cohesive social media strategy, resulting in sporadic or ineffective promotional efforts that failed to generate sustained interest or engagement.
  3. Resource Constraints: Code Wiz faced limitations in terms of staffing which made it challenging to invest in key areas such as curriculum development or overall marketing efforts.
  4. Authentic & Engaging Content: There was a lack of authentic content to share with their audience. The social content was also not engaging which made audience retention difficult.

The Solutions Ascendo Social Offered


Strategic Optimization for Growth

We recognized the importance of implementing a robust marketing strategy to drive growth and engagement. To address the challenge of limited brand awareness and inconsistent marketing efforts, we developed a comprehensive strategy focused on continuous optimization.

By closely monitoring key performance metrics, analyzing audience insights, and adapting our approach based on data-driven insights, we ensured that our marketing efforts were targeted, efficient, and effective.

Harnessing the Power of Hashtags

Understanding the significance of social media visibility, we prioritized hashtag optimization as a key component of our strategy. By incorporating these optimized hashtags into our posts, we increased our reach and engagement, effectively amplifying our brand presence across social media platforms.

Consistent and Frequent Posting

By regularly sharing compelling content, updates, and announcements, we ensured that our audience remained informed, entertained, and engaged. Consistent posting not only helped to maintain visibility but also fostered a sense of community and connection with our audience.

Active Engagement in Online Communities

To further enhance our reach and engagement, we actively engaged in relevant online communities and forums where our target audience congregated. By participating in discussions, sharing valuable insights, and providing support and expertise, we positioned Code Wiz as a trusted authority and resource within the coding and education space. This proactive approach not only facilitated organic growth but also fostered meaningful connections and relationships with potential customers and partners.

Through strategic optimization, hashtag testing, consistent posting, and active engagement in online communities, Code Wiz successfully overcame challenges related to brand awareness, social media visibility, and audience engagement. By continually refining our approach and leveraging the power of social media, we maximized our impact and solidified our position as a leading provider of coding education for kids.

Facebook Social Media Increases

Ascendo Social began social media management for Code Wiz (Keller) in September and immediately started seeing more followers gained. With the strategies of posting consistently and frequently, we were able to grow Code Wiz's Facebook platform and continue to see growth.

Over the last six months, our efforts have resulted in a significant increase in Facebook followers by 207%. Through engaging content, interactive live events, and proactive community engagement, we've successfully fostered a thriving online community around Code Wiz, attracting parents and students alike to our coding education programs.

FB Followers Increase for Codewiz
Engagement Rate FB 2

Over the couple months, Code Wiz experienced a notable 50%+ increase in engagement rate on Facebook, reflecting the effectiveness of our content strategy and community engagement efforts. By consistently sharing informative posts, engaging visuals, and interactive content such as polls and quizzes, we fostered meaningful interactions with our audience.

As a result, our engagement rate on Facebook rose compared to the previous quarter, demonstrating the growing interest and active participation of our followers in our online community.

Instagram Social Media Increases

Graphic of Codewiz IG increase

Code Wiz experienced significant growth in Instagram followers by implementing a consistent posting strategy and engaging content. By regularly sharing captivating and informative posts that resonated with our audience, we cultivated a loyal following of parents and students interested in coding education.

Additionally, our active participation in relevant online communities and optimized use of hashtags amplified our reach and visibility on the platform. Over a span of seven months, Code Wiz achieved remarkable growth, increasing Instagram followers by an impressive 165%, demonstrating the effectiveness of our social media efforts in building a vibrant and engaged community.