What services do you offer?

We offer Social Media Management where we can manage social platforms for our clients.

What social platforms do you support?

We support Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google My BUsiness.

How do we pay?

We take payment upfront before we begin working.

We will invoice you for the first month and then have a recurring invoice in a monthly cadence.

The invoice platform we use is Freshbooks which allows you to pay using a credit card.

Will you take pictures or videos for us?

Unfortunately, we can only use the images and videos you send to us. If we do not receive any within the scheduled time, we may use older media or stock photos.

Can I still post to my social platforms?

Yes! Of course you can still post whatever you would like to your social platforms.

What happens after I sign up?

After you sign up, we will send you an invoice and schedule a Kick-Off meeting to go over all the details. This includes the cadence and schedule of how we will work.

Will I get to see the posts before they go live?

Yes! We don't post anything without your approval first.

What if I want you to promote something for me?

We can post more of a special or promotion if you would like.